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A cidade en chamas / Dorfman, Ariel, Dorfman, Joaquín

by DORFMAN, Ariel (1942- ); Dorfman, Joaquín; Barcia, Moisés (Morrazo, 1971).
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Fóra de xogo ;82.Publisher: Vigo :Xerais ,2004 Edition: 1.ª ed.Description: 298.ISBN: 8497822595.Subject(s): Morte | Adolescentes -- Cuentos | Vida cotidiana-novelas | Ciudades-New York | Periodismo-novelasOnline resources: Click here to access online
Literatura Xuvenil
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Traducción de: The burning city. -- Publ. orig., 2004. -- 1.º ciclo E. S. O.

Literatura Xuvenil

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